Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Charlotte is 2!

Ladera Ranch Waterpark, Charlottes 2nd birthday
Right away some of the boys thought it might be fun to shoot water up their noses! I wonder if they'll try that again?

Charlotte's cousin Cassidy, almost 2 herself:)

Jackson having a heart to heart with Carson.

Jackson and Zachary
looks SOO O cute, how much trouble could they be anyway?

Haidyn, Izzy and Brook ...so that's where all the party hats went!

Blowing out the candles

J enjoying the frosting

Charlotte sharing her party hat what a sweetie
The Birthday Girl

The girls got all dressed up and modeled for us at the end of the day...what beauties

3 New members of our family...

The day of the fair we never made it to the kids corner where goldfish can be "won" sooo, I promised to take them to the pet store the next day and here we are with Jackson's fish Diego, Charlie's fish Happy and Izzy's fish Maui... all the newest McKay's

OC Fair

What a HUNK!!!

Little man Jax watching the baby chicks...aaaaw

Izzy and Brooklyn all decked out in their new "fair" lady hats...