Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Charlotte is 2!

Ladera Ranch Waterpark, Charlottes 2nd birthday
Right away some of the boys thought it might be fun to shoot water up their noses! I wonder if they'll try that again?

Charlotte's cousin Cassidy, almost 2 herself:)

Jackson having a heart to heart with Carson.

Jackson and Zachary
looks SOO O cute, how much trouble could they be anyway?

Haidyn, Izzy and Brook ...so that's where all the party hats went!

Blowing out the candles

J enjoying the frosting

Charlotte sharing her party hat what a sweetie
The Birthday Girl

The girls got all dressed up and modeled for us at the end of the day...what beauties

1 comment:

  1. OMG - Happy Birthday Charlotte!! I forgot that she and Isa are like one month apart. Awe. I love your header pic - is that Melanie? my email is raphael.harris@gmail.com - I think we're planning a trip down in a few weeks - lets meet at the park? tell Jackson Mitt says "hi" -

